Adventures in Creative Minds





I am a freaky girl who always dyes her hair.
I wonder if royal blood does run through my veins.
I hear the sounds of silence.
I see the Fey guardians of the Earth.
I want adventure and fun.
I am a freaky girl who always dyes her hair.

I pretend that I can fly away from here.
I feel the Sword of Water within my hands.
I touch the Fire of my soul.
I worry that people will stop loving others.
I cry for those who cannot love.
I am a freaky girl who always dyes her hair.

I understand the pain of loneliness.
I say nobody is exactly the same.
I dream of being with my Love.
I try to remember the Peace.
I hope that we'll stop war forever.
I am a freaky girl who always dyes her hair.


Advice for Life

When you start to feel as
if the weight of the world
is on your shoulders;
Share it.

When everybody tries to
grind you into the
cold, hard ground;
Don't let them

When nothing seems to be
going your way
in life;
Change your point of view.

When life seems way too
hard to continue
living it;
Don't give up.

When nobody seems to
want to be
your friend;
Be your own friend.

When it seems as
if you're all
Find your love.

When you feel as
if no one in the world
loves you;
Love yourself.

When it seems as
if someone has shut off
the lights in the world;
Light a candle.

When your love is
far away
from you;
Remember you are loved.

When it seems as
if life for you
is over;


Love Take Deux

Empathic, blissful.
Admired, comforting, caring.
Feeling the eternal bliss.
Giving, devoted, obliging.
Faithful, warm.




Haiku Times Two

looking to the sky
i see my worst fears come true,
bombers in the air.
crimson blood dripping
from off my daggers' sharp blade,
glistens on marble.



a single flower,          
left      lonely
upon hill's shoulder              
and the        tipping trees
       streamed with
in the rainy forgotten
               the blue
   altered sky
and the dying                
      leaf borne         by
blowing winds,                        
                 sweet singers,
the clouds hang            
                     gray as,
   softly           struck,
frost comes,                         
                   bringing the deep
meadows and the                 
geometrical prints                         
         of the nearby
field into
a long,                   
         white sleep
the vermillion sun set          
as the sweet,         
           sad season pulls
                  night down
The sweet smell              
               of smoke,
of the harvest,                        
              swelling squash,
pumpkins and                   
            asleep in
their beds,              
           the farm's heavy
matted horses crunch
               on muted sun
                 remember the amber
                    rust of roadside
bushes brimming                  
     with orange
                      flowers, now brown
as owls until
  the sizzling                     
sun brings life                              
once more.


Mistress Magpie

Mistress Magpie is happy,
For she gets pretty, shinny things.
Such as beautiful silver necklaces,
And lovely diamond rings.

Attracted to the sparkle,
Enthralled by the shine.
Enchanting are her cries:
"Please...can that be mine..?"

Lovely Mistress Magpie...
She is as happy as can be.
With her beautiful silver necklace,
And lovely diamond ring...




Summers End

a stipple of
green and brown
upon a canvas of
blue and white-
summer days are
coming to an end.



is summer's first rose,
is laughter in the park,
is chocolate cake for breakfast,
is building blanket forts,
is the earth after rain.


When You Hold Me

When you hold me close to you,
whispering nothings.
Making me feel
like I can do anything.
I'm on top of the world!
You make me happy.
But now you're leaving me all alone,
to fend for myself.
"Don't you love me anymore?"
I cry...
And when you're gone,
my love,
how do I stay happy..?
When I'm away from your arms,
your kisses,
you eyes,
how will I stay safe from harm,
my love?
But then,
I remember your kiss, your embrace.
You made me happy.



The pain,
the torture,
the sorrow.
It cuts into my soul
like a knife.
The loneliness,
the darkness.
I miss you more
than I can take.
You took my joy
and left the pain.
Almost makes me want
to do the same
to you.
With a knife,
or maybe pink pills;
I'll end my pain
with my life.
But I can't do that,
for then you will have
the pain,
and I love you far too much
to do that to you...



my kitten,
my baby.
you left
as quickly
you came.
christmas eve.
you were here,
you were gone.
only a
year to live.
did you know..?
did you
know you
die on you birthday?



Short Stories and Other Writings




"Christina? Are you up there?" I heard Mother's voice waft up the stairwell.
"Are you all right, child?" her voice steadily getting closer and closer, her soft footsteps padding on the old oak steps.
"Christina? It's time for supper, dear..." she was right outside my door now.
"supper..." I muttered, looking at my bloodstained hands.
"Christina..?" I looked down at the crumpled, bloodied body on the floor of my room as Mother started to open my door.
"Mother..." I started, then stopped. I must punish myself; I thought.
"I did a bad thing, Mother..." I said as she came into my now crimson room, "I did a very bad thing."
As I sliced my wrist with my bloody knife, spilling more blood onto my already stained and ripped dress, I could hear her scream.
"CHRISTINA!!!" Mother's screams sounded strangely distant, far away, my vision; my head felt oddly light. I broke the rules, punishment must be served...I shuddered as my sweet life's blood mingled with the pool already on the floor, with the blood of the dead boy upon whose lifeless chest I now laid my head...sweet punishment. I broke the rules...I sighed as my life drizzled away.



Fallen Angels

They say fallen Angels are the ones with black wings. That they charred as the Angel fell from Heaven...But what causes an Angel, a perfect being of God, to fall from grace..? To be cast down from Heaven forever..? And can the same fate be shares by a Demon, one of the highest minions of the Devil..? What can be so bad, so unspeakably horrid that can cause a Demon to "fall" from the "graces" of Evil..? And what do you call a "fallen" Demon? Because you can't fall from Hell. If you're in Hell, you're already fallen as low as you can get...But the one thing that can get both an Angel and a Demon cast out forever is the one thing that we all hold in the highest regard...Love. The one thing that can both destroy everything and make it all seem worth while...But for an Angel to fall in love with a Demon is the worst thing ever. Two worlds colliding. God and the Devil being forced to face each other once more. They summon the offending parties. Banish them to Earth forever. And hope, and pray that the two, the fallen Angel and the fallen Demon, never cross paths. That they never meet again. Because if that ever happened all the memories would come flooding back. And with the memories would come the powers lost. And the Angel would get her wings and the Demon would get his. And the Angel would curse Heaven and curse God...And the Demon would curse Hell and the Devil. And they would ban together against Heaven and Hell. An Agent of good and an agent of evil. Both banished, both scorned, both waging war against what they once stood for.









All content ©Alisha Michele Williams 2003-2007